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Neftegasmash-Technologies ltd.

Business type: Manufacturer
Business type: Exporter, Local market
Number of employees: 51 - 100
Annual sales value: Brak danych
Established year: 2000

Machines & Tools

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Firm Rank: 0

“Neftegazmash-Technology” co. is one of the largest manufacturers of drilling and field equipment for oil-and-gas industry in Russia. We are engaged in development, introduction and sale of oil-and-gas equipment and services in the field of systems for cleaning and regeneration of drilling muds, recycling systems of drilling wastes, casing accessories.

“Neftegazmash-Technology” co. offers you mutually beneficial cooperation in the field of deliveries of reliable and qualitative equipment for oil-and-gas industry. We produce more than 250 items of oil-and-gas equipment in such sections as:
- drilling and field equipment;
- overhaul equipment;
- valves;
- spare parts to pumps;
- casing accessories;
- screens for shale shakers;
- refuelling special equipment;
- auto-refuellers

“Neftegazmash-Technology” co. includes four mashine buildings situated in Krasnodar area, in the South of Russia. The main industrial enterprise of the company is “Tichoretsk mashine building “Krasniy Molot“ – established in 1900. There are two official regional representative offices of the company in Tashkent city (Uzbekistan), Ashchabad city (Turkmenistan).

All production is certificated by GOST system of Russia. Recently (on the 7th of april 2005) our company certificated its quality management system according to the ISO 9001:2000 standard. We also pay attention to the problems of the environmental protection.

The personnel of the company includes: talented designers, engineers and experts in the field of drilling with long-term experience work.

Equipment delivery is carried out in short terms. Reliability of the equipment is confirmed by long-term use in the most various climatic and operational conditions such as the Noth and East of Russia, Kazachstan, Libya and others. Application of our equipment will allow you to save not only financial resources, but also to lower material inputs at operation.

You will find in our company a reliable partner.

Address data

Street:Vishnyakovoy st.
Postal code:350001
Country:Russian Federation
Phone: +7 861 2112199
Fax: +7 861 2112100


Contact person

Name and Surname: Victor Anatskiy
Phone: +7 861 2112199
Mobile: +7 9184411013
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