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* Standard profile

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Uni-car s.r.o.

Business type: Services
Business type: Importer, Exporter, Local market
Number of employees: < 5
Annual sales value: Euro < 500.000
Established year: 2003

Food & Beverages

Medicine, Health & Beauty

Agriculture & Gardening

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Firm Rank: 0

Dear sir,

we are a company based in Slovakia and we are interested in purchasing products from your company. We have a parner chain of 800 shops and we are able to buy truck quantities on regular basis.
Please let us know which ones you have available, if you have, send us your price offer, product EAN codes, photos of all sides of the product, date of expiry and logistic information.

Products are following:

Jacobs Kronung 250g, 500g
Tchibo family products
Tchibo exclusive products
Jacobs Kronung products
Jacobs instant products
Nescafe products etc.

Red Bull 250ml
Coca-Cola products
Nestea products

Milka 100g, 300g and all related Kraft products
Kinder products, Masterfood products
Rafaello, Ferrero products
Oreo etc.

Cleaning/Washing/Hygienic products:
Ariel, Persil, products (washing powders, liquid washing powders etc.)
Fa, Dove, Old Spice (shower gels etc.)
Domestos, Fairy etc.
Pampers products etc.

Address data

Street:Komarnanska 160/2681
Postal code:94701
Phone: +421 904 442335
Fax: +421 904 442335


Contact person

Name and Surname: Pavol Legard
Phone: +421 904 442335
Mobile: +421 904442335
Inquire now