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PBS Healthcare Pvt.Ltd.

[India]Xtra Charge

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British Nutritions brings to you energy drinks and whey proteins with very high nutritional value. These are easy to digest and help in building muscles whilst maintaining a nutritional balance.


A delicious isotonic electrolyte drink for people engaged in endurance activities or hard physical activities.
Provides a balanced amount of carbohydrate, electrolytes and fluids to simultaneously rehydrate and refuel during physical activity.
Helps perform longer and more efficiently.
Helps in replenishing glycogen reserve in body.
Fortified with Vitamin C which is a potent antioxidant and boosts immune system.
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Additional information:

Place of origin:Pune
Brand:Xtra Charge
Price:Ask for price
Delivery time:7 days
Minimum order:10000


Related products: Medicine, Health & Beauty ->Others


PBS Healthcare Pvt.Ltd.

Postal code:411014
Phone: +91 020 9561025258

Contact person

Name and Surname: Brijesh Shah
Phone: +91 020 9561025258
Mobile: +91 9561025258
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