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Tarti Medikal

Business type: Other
Business type: Importer,
Number of employees: Brak danych
Annual sales value: Brak danych
Established year: 1998

Machines & Tools

Medicine, Health & Beauty

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Firm Rank: 0

company_photosOur company was established for distrubiting of TANITA at 1998 and started to enlarge in the medical area with the other distrubiting.
Today, we're continuing our way with medical area,cosmetic area, sports area and physiotherapy.
Our company works customer-focused and puts into the best services to our customers. When we're form the basis of our product, we care our costumers wishes.
When the products is picked up, we prefer that they have the product quality, practical using, international standarts and scientific success.
After the selling we got the tecnichal services.
Our company joins both domestic and international fairs, congress for keep abreast of developing about product and then give info our customers.
When We spotlight the our product quality and service quality, we are pleased to servet o you.

Address data

Postal code:34140
Phone: +90 212 3270991
Fax: +90 212 3270998


Contact person

Name and Surname: ugur Taslak
Phone: +90 212 3270991
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