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Haprimex Limited

Business type: Trading Company
Business type: Importer, Local market
Number of employees: 5 - 10
Annual sales value: Euro < 500.000
Established year: 2002

Food & Beverages

Children items

Medicine, Health & Beauty

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Firm Rank: 0

Ladies and gentlemen, we HAPRIMEX LIMITED are a government registered importers and distributors of sundry items including beauty products like cosmetics, bath soaps, body creams,shampoos etc, health products such as medicine,food supplements etc, food and beverages such as canned foods, canned sea foods, spirits, wine, milk, egg and egg products etc since year 2002. We welcome offers from all interested manufacturers and exporters.Ladies and gentlemen, we HAPRIMEX LIMITED are a government registered importers and distributors of sundry items including beauty products like cosmetics, bath soaps, body creams,shampoos etc, health products such as medicine,food supplements etc, food and beverages such as canned foods, canned sea foods, spirits, wine, milk, egg and egg products etc since year 2002. We welcome offers from all interested manufacturers and exporters.Ladies and gentlemen, we HAPRIMEX LIMITED are a government registered importers and distributors of sundry items including beauty products like cosmetics, bath soaps, body creams,shampoos etc, health products such as medicine,food supplements etc, food and beverages such as canned foods, canned sea foods, spirits, wine, milk, egg and egg products etc since year 2002. We welcome offers from all interested manufacturers and exporters.Ladies and gentlemen, we HAPRIMEX LIMITED are a government registered importers and distributors of sundry items including beauty products like cosmetics, bath soaps, body creams,shampoos etc, health products such as medicine,food supplements etc, food and beverages such as canned foods, canned sea foods, spirits, wine, milk, egg and egg products etc since year 2002..

Address data

Street:C/871B segbeya
Postal code:0000
Phone: +229 687 39638


Contact person

Name and Surname: Daba Daba
Phone: +229 687 3938
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