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* Standard profile

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Business type: Other
Business type: Exporter,
Number of employees: 11 - 50
Annual sales value: Euro 500.000 – 1.000.000
Established year: 2002

Chemicals & Plastics


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Firm Rank: 0

The company is collecting and recycling plastic scrap, metal and non-metal. The main activity is the collectind and recycling of postconsume PET-bottles. That means that after collecting,the bottles will be washed with high pressure hot water with detergents, crushed, dried and sorted by colour. We could provide between 200-500mt/month, depending of the season ( in winter it is very difficult to collect, so we recycle the allready collected bottles.

We sold to China, but we don,t want to continue the cooperation, as long as our quality increased to high standrds and the Chinese buy very cheep and it takes long untill the goods arrive there to get your money.

Address data

Street:9, Procopie Dumitrescu,str.
Postal code:702621
Phone: +40 21 6102135


Contact person

Name and Surname: Alexander Craciun
Phone: +40 21 6102135
Mobile: +40 723872324
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