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Category: Sport & Entertainment

Country: Czech Republic

Language of presented products: All | german | english

Featured products

[Czech Republic]Carbon fibers (rovings) and carbon fabrics

We offer carbon fibers with the first level of quality. Fibers have goods fortress and we can offer you fibers from 400tex to 1600tex or more according your purchase orders. We can offer you carbon fabric from 200 g/m2 to 600 g/m2 with the A-level quality with perfect sizing, fabrics are usable as fair-face fabric for aircraft industry, bicycle industry, modells´industry, and other application, where you need to have perfect fabrics, or fibers withour deffects. Please, don´t hesitate to contact[...]


[Czech Republic]Jacket Strada LONG

Quality Cordura jacket and has the following details: *100% waterproof *Cordura with PAD matt. *The range of sizes that we are capable of sewing are up to 10XL *This product is fitted with protectors[...]
