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Category: Jewellery, Gifts & Crafts -> Crafts

Country: Pakistan

Language of presented products: All | german | english

Featured products

[Pakistan]Bead/Jewelry Making Tools by Orebro International Sialkot

We are real manufacturers and exporters of all Kinds of Surgical,Dental,Body Piercing Instruments(Pennington Forceps,Sponge Forpces,Septum Forpces,Instruments Trays,Piercing Wheel Gauge,Tweezers,Body Piercing Instruments Kits),Manicure/Pedicure Instruments(Cuticle Nippers,Toenail Nippers,Beauty Tweezers,Edge Tip Cutters,Corn Cutters,Shaving Razors,Cuticle Beauty Pushers,Beauty Kits), Pliers(Jewelry Pliers,Fish Pliers,Ring Opening Pliers and Closing Pliers,Optical Pliers,Economic Pliers,Needle Pliers,Ergonomic[...]


[Pakistan]Bail Making Pliers(Jewelry Pliers) by Orebro International Sialkot

We are real manufacturers and exporters of all Kinds of Surgical,Dental,Body Piercing Instruments(Pennington Forceps,Sponge Forpces,Septum Forpces,Instruments Trays,Piercing Wheel Gauge,Tweezers,Body Piercing Instruments Kits),Manicure/Pedicure Instruments(Cuticle Nippers,Toenail Nippers,Beauty Tweezers,Edge Tip Cutters,Corn Cutters,Shaving Razors,Cuticle Beauty Pushers,Beauty Kits), Pliers(Jewelry Pliers,Fish Pliers,Ring Opening Pliers and Closing Pliers,Optical Pliers,Economic Pliers,Needle Pliers,Ergonomic[...]
