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Sprache: deutsch english

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Branche:Landwirtschaft & Gärtnerei -> Gartenbau -> Blumen


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Rose Elite more

Land: Ecuador
Region: Ecuador
Ort: Cumbaya
Straße: La Esquina
Telefon: +593 22 040476
Fax: +593 22 040476
Firm Rank: 0
Founded in 1997, Rose Elite Group inc. is based in Quito, Ecuador and has been exporting the most beautiful Ecuadorian roses and flowers worldwide for over 12 years   Located one hour away from the main production areas, we regularly visit the farms to check the production standards as well as the preparation process of the flowers; this allows us to guarantee you a very high and constant level of quality.   By having such a close relationship with growers, we are able to provide you on a regular[...]