Währungskurse: 1 GBP = 1.13 EUR; 1 USD = 0.94 EUR [mehr...]
Sprache: deutsch english

Suchwort: [Erweiterte Suche]

Branche:Metalurgie & Hüttenkunde -> Metalurgie -> Non-ferrous metals


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Vicksburg Natural Resources DC Ltd. more

Land: Südafrika
Region: Südafrika
Ort: Lagos
Straße: 2 Benson Close
Telefon: +234 802 3140405
Fax: +1 471 2400419
Firm Rank: 0
Vicksburg Natural Resources trades primarily in mineral ores and agricultural produce such as - lead, zinc and copper ores, zircon sand, feldspar, and on the agricultural side - cocoa shell powder and cake, dried split ginger, sesame seed, betelnut etc. We are in a position to source either category of product for the export market and are always looking to form strong partnerships with credible and responsible contacts in the South East Asian market especially.[...]